Looks like a power user with a lot of NFTs was speculating and bought the four cheapest of Yamata on Open Sea, with mine being the most expensive one purchased. The original artists entire series has sold out, I bought 3 because it was my favourite and I figured they would sell out, but will keep one for myself as I really love the scarf and eyes
This was the sale https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x946ad8e53db653053e8ef7c02dfca83ce8ba8022/742
I think the original item was $10 USD so that’s pretty good, was definitely worth the work I had to put in to learn to use the Polygon network, I ran into some teething issues doing it too so it’s not as user friendly as you’d hope. Figuring out the different nets and funding it with MATIC was definitely the most complex part of the process for a layman.
This Reddit stuff is actually amazing for adoption, this has been my first ever experience with NFTs and pushed me to learn a lot more about the backend
submitted by /u/chance_waters
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