Last night before I went to sleep I looked at the charts one last time in hoping to see some green in what had been a red day. Opening up the app I had a vision, I saw the beginning of the end, capitulation approaching and prices dropping to a new low.
I now knew what I must do, I pulled out my fake ledger and burned it as an offering to Satoshi himself, then repeated the Bitcoin prayer.
Our father who art in hiding,
Satoshi be thy name.
Thy Bitcoin come.
Thy will be done.
in finance as it is in blockchain.
Give us this day our next block,
And protect our network,
As we protect our private keys,
And lead us not into inflation,
But deliver us from fiat.
For thine is thy blockchain,
and the power, and the memes,
Forever. Amen.
I passed out after that, whether it was the whisky or the power of Satoshi flowing through me I’ll never know, but when I awoke everything was up around 5% and continuing to rise.
submitted by /u/Odlavso
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