I see post all the time about what to do, “this is the end of the bear market, but all you can!”, “Don’t buy, it’s going further down!”. Truth is, nobody knows shit about fuck. Everyone is speculating about what is going to happen next but everyone is almost always wrong. Remember when everyone thought bitcoin would reach 100k by the end of 2021? Look how that turned out.
r/cryptocurrency and r/bitcoin might be the worst offenders, they’re just echo chambers chanting the same thing over and over again while everyone applauds their genius for figuring out that the price moves sometimes.
Can’t forget about r/buttcoin, they bring some valid points about downsides to crypto, but most of it is just screeching about how crypto is useless and will go to zero, although I do find the occasional “this is good for bitcoin” and “few understand” funny.
DYOW, don’t listen to the echo chambers here on Reddit, they often do more harm than good. And one more thing, always remember to never invest more than you can afford to loose, I see wayyy too many posts about someone loosing their house due to a bad crypto investment.
submitted by /u/Murdering_Baguette
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