I know who caused this current crypto crash and I won’t let them get away with it this time!
Big players manipulate the market all the time and go unoticed. No more!
I was watching charts, as you do, when something caught my eye.
I thought the chart from 11th to 17th reminded me of something. I thought it looked like a head and two shoulders on either side.
After extensive research, my suspicions were confirmed – this pattern is in fact called Head and Shoulders.
The 1 billion question here that no one seems to be asking (I wonder why that is) – who stands behind Head&Sohulders?
Sleep eluded me as I drew nearer to the answer and then – bingo!
You won’t fucking believe it – Procter&Gamble owns Head&Shoulders! It’s the Big Pharma!
Those sneaky lobbying bastards again!
So they ruined Ethereum’s pre-merge rally and literally left their business card right in the chart, right on all our screens just to rub it in!
Anti-dandruf my ass!
I’m taking Procter&Gamble to SEC on the charges of market maniplation!
In the meantime, I’ll watch out for when the sign shows up again and try to make some money off of my discovery.
submitted by /u/inevitable_username
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