First off I just wanted to say congratulations to anybody that is still here you nerves of steels and the patients of the wise old man 🤣. You have withstood the last 10 months, it’s been one hell of a ride with the downs and all of the terrible projects that have cost so many of us a small/large amount of our investment and unfortunately some people’s life savings.
We have seen so many projects that we have put our trust into just walk away with our money with no insight on whether some of these funds will be returned and what will be happening moving forward. I would love nothing more than to see these projects and companies get what they deserve and the people at least have some recovery of their funds lost.
We have also seen a lot of great upgrades to projects that are still building and developing getting ready for the next bull run. I want to salute these projects maybe having a lot of us faith and Hope when we’ve been let down by others.
We also have what seems to be a lot of countries working very rapid towards regulation and rules in this space unfortunately some of them are not in our favor and others are in our favor hopefully by the next bull run there’s some clarity around all of this which will help the mass adoption come.
Couldn’t be happier to share this experience with you crazy not jobs family away from family. Hopefully you are bringing your average down and getting your bags right so when we return to the bull run we can all reap the benefits of the bear market.
Just keep in mind that the bottom’s not in yet probably but we’re damn close to making it through this, can’t wait till we can prove the rest of the world wrong and say I told you so.
submitted by /u/GetEmDaddy902
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