submitted by /u/RossoneriEA [link] [comments]
Day: August 26, 2022
Reports came out yesterday, August 24th, 2022 that the WEF official website is listing Ripple as an...
submitted by /u/Electrical_Potato_21 [link] [comments]
Vitalik Buterin says transaction fees need to reduce to 5 cents to remain acceptable (May 2022)
1 min read
submitted by /u/kisstheraino [link] [comments]
After months of the exchange rate being kinda stable, since the end of last week it went...
I can break my research down into a few key points that illustrate why nobody should own...
submitted by /u/XnoonefromnowhereX [link] [comments]
Bitboy admitted to promoting scams, if not outright participating in them(unwittingly or likely wittingly) as well in...
submitted by /u/kirtash93 [link] [comments]
Disclaimer: If you aren’t for the NFTs, no problem. I’m not making fun of that. I’m making...