Disclaimer: If you aren’t for the NFTs, no problem. I’m not making fun of that. I’m making fun of the fact that people are so pissed off that other people like them
Like, people are so pissed all over Reddit. It’s like they have an allergic reaction. Hell, some didn’t even know, but once they found out got butthurt about it. It’s almost irrational how annoyed people are. Like, they call it a jpeg, but treat it like some massive inconvenience to their life.
And there are these ridiculous things
Tell me you don’t know how NFTs work without telling me
A little childish. Like they were aiming to deceive you in specific?
Like, I’m no one to disparage anyone’s taste, but this is when it becomes funny.
Like, yes, they are pictures and gifs that people are buying for real money. WE KNOW. It’s part of the joke that these types don’t get.
submitted by /u/xxXMrDarknessXxx
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