13+ years of Bitcoin, 7+ years of Ethereum and 5+ years since many smart people have known crypto. 4+ years since most of the literate world FOMO’ed on ICOs and shit coins as well. There is a consensus that a good 5% of the world’s population is invested or well-aware of crypto – that’s statistically meaningful for a 7-8 billion world population.
Now, what’s mind boggling is that how little people know about the crypto. The technology, economics, constraints, players etc. Most of them don’t care beyond “wen lambo” and some who do, jump on the buzzwords wagon to seem smart. Some sensible ones who try to learn met with elite cryptographic journal publications so good luck.
Most of the help available to learn crypto is from shady YouTubers and Crypto bros who are drawing influencer dollars to promote coins/shit-coins and create education content to jack up content viewership. Pretty sad state of affairs. MIT had started a course of blockchain by Gary-fishing-Gensler but it was so superficial that it’s almost not useful. Many of the bullshit-schools (oh, B-Schools) have courses like “Prepare to lead in the era of blockchain” – I feel so sad for people who take those course.
Unfortunately, crypto system is a bit more complicated than the fiat money system and most of us were born with fiat system so never had to question the system much (except when inflation shit on all of us) but crypto is different and in some very good ways. However, unless we solve the education gap i.e. help people internalize why it’s better and advantages (and also disadvantages), mass adoption will continue to be a dream and debate.
So who would be more credible to do it? I will go back to MIT, Caltech, CMU…. even Tech-focused schools outside of US to do that. I think companies like Coinbase, Binance, FTX are also very well positioned to solve this problem because they have a big user base and credibility to know the shit (mostly). Hope someone from these organization is reading this and can take the idea up the ladder.
WGMI! Godspeed!
submitted by /u/Sharp_Tank05
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