submitted by /u/SuperCryptoBr0 [link] [comments]
Month: August 2022
submitted by /u/skramzy [link] [comments]
Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread. Please read the disclaimer and rules before participating. Disclaimer:...
Courtesy u/GoalSavingsMan Hi all. I am an FX and equities high frequency trader, worked in some major...
submitted by /u/sith_happenss [link] [comments]
We have been in a bear market for 10 months now. If you got this far you should not give up now.
1 min read
Since the 69k top in November which we got after high inflation numbers and now the bear...
Sorry guys, I am only a lurker here, mostly busy on other subs but because I own...
In case you’ve been living under a rock, some backstory: About two weeks ago the US government...
submitted by /u/Username-Not-A-Bot [link] [comments]
Things don’t seem to go the way Harmony team is planning. DeFi Kindgoms is leaving Harmony.