As we know, the next halving will take place in 2024. What follows, historically, is a period of seemingly endless pumps. I’ve seen it. Twice. You wake up and see that BTC went up 15% in a day. ETH is going nuts and is up 40% in the last couple days. Shitcoins? Oh man, lucky folks are having their 100x as we speak. The media has endless headlines of how BTC is pumping again.
You check your folio. Up 50% in the last month. 500+% if compared with 2022’s bear. You go online and check what you could buy with that money. Maybe a down payment in a house is on the table again. No lambo yet, but a nice trip for the kids is at your hand’s grasp.
But hey, what if I wait a bit? Maybe I can indeed get a lambo.
After some time, your holdings are down 10% from ATH. When I get back these 10%, I cash out, you tell yourself. Then -20%, you tell the same. You postpone your withdrawals for so long that you now find yourself in a bear market, -70% or so from ATH.
I then ask again: will we cash out?
submitted by /u/reddito321
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