Coinbase wallet has disabled users ability to send NFTs as apple wants them to pay 30% of the gas fee to apple. This is lunacy. Apple clearly do not understand how NFTs or the blockchain works and they are messing it up.
Apple’s proprietary In-App Purchase system does not support crypto so we couldn’t comply even if we tried.
A great point by the coinbase wallet twitter:
This is akin to Apple trying to take a cut of fees for every email that gets sent over open Internet protocols.
As of now, this affects IOS users. It is now harder to transfer NFTs or send them as gifts.
Simply put, Apple has introduced new policies to protect their profits at the expense of consumer investment in NFTs and developer innovation across the crypto ecosystem.
Anything for the 30% cut eh apple? even though this makes no sense you still want your cut? Insane!
submitted by /u/Far-Scholar9028
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