Listen, I’ve started investing in crypto in January this year, all I’ve seen were loses. So many loses. I’ve bought the dip almost 15 times. Then one day Ive discovered Leverage trading. Ive made 500 bucks the first week of trading, without any experience at all.
Then I lost 400 in a day, that made me realise what a gambler I am. To this day I’ve made probably tens of trades, some were profitable, some were not.
Most of them were not, now Im just hoping to see my initial investment back, Im down 40% counting with the profit and loses through trading.
I know some people are in much worse situation, but does this even make sense? Spending so much time “educating” ourselves about crypto, trading, technical analalysis etc just to end up in a big juicy loss. I dont really know anymore
Had to get this out of my chest, anyway Ill continue to DCA in BTC and ETH and stop trading with leverage now.
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submitted by /u/Ill-Addition2024
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