Do you actually use crypto?
Wondering who here actually uses crypto for it’s intended purpose or who simply buys and holds it with the dream of selling it for a profit in the future.
Do you use DeFi or perhaps use crypto for purchases instead of cash or credit cards?
maybe you are using services to take out loans with your crypto as collateral or perhaps you use crypto to make purchases that you don’t want tracked by others. what DeFi services are you using? what crypto are you using for purchases? bitcoin? monero?
Are you currently participating in liquidity pools?
Do you believe enough in crypto to participate in liquidity pools providing the ability for others to trade assets on a Decentralized exchange. what DEX do you provide liquidity to and why did you choose that particular DEX?
Perhaps you are only using crypto as an investment, buying it now with the hopes of selling for a profit in the future and transferring all of your profits into the current banking system to live out your life in luxury.
submitted by /u/Odlavso
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