A week or two ago, while mindlessly scrolling, a post caught my eye. Rolls Royce was apparently offering a limited edition NFT drop to the first 750 users who signed up. I can’t lie, it fooled me for a split second – the idea of a high-end retailer doing a small drop had me ready to rush in to a mistake.
Scams are, as we all know, quite common in the crypto community… but I was surprised that a scam like this was showing up on my reddit feed. I tend to follow pretty well-moderated communities, and when I checked again a few hours later I noticed that not only was the post still up, but it had a ton of upvotes. I started looking at things a bit more closely from there.
This post was happening on the /r/NEM subreddit. I followed the NEM project back in the 2017-2018 days and completely forgot about it. It looks like the sub has effectively died off, but I never unsubscribed from the community. It appears that there’s no more active moderation of the sub anymore so it’s now just full to the brim with scam posts that are getting upvote-botted. I started looking at the subs for other small (or dead) crypto projects and sure enough, they’re all over the place.
Just wanted to let you guys know – if you’re seeing these posts take over a crypto sub that you’re in, it’s safe to assume the sub is dead and has no more moderation. Get out of there and clean your feed up.
submitted by /u/kindarcan
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