I modified the XBOX Gamerscore concept to create a reward incentive for my kids. The payouts for unlocking the achievements will be in crypto.
I have shared something similar in the past in the gaming subs. My kids are big fans of the achievements in Xbox and I adapt the concept to create a rewards structure.
This time, for the months of December/January (the holiday period), I decided to offer them a new payout structure – in crypto. The kids can choose to receive their rewards in dollars, but they may also opt to invest it into a few cryptos instead.
The items are designed to be something that may take a bit of time over a few weeks, require discipline, creativity, or exercise. I am not expecting the kids to complete every achievement, but all of them should be achievable with enough motivation.
They can attempt as many of the items on the list as they want.
I’ll link the Google Doc in the comments, in case anybody wants to download it.
EDIT: Every f..ing comment downvoted below zero karma. TF is wrong with this sub.
submitted by /u/gnarley_quinn
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