Here you customize your shit token in a matter of seconds. Adding burning and/or trading fees on every transaction and also allow more tokens to be minted.
Symbol: The token ticker
Token Supply: Amount to mint at creation
Token Name: The full name of the token
Decimals: 18 is the standard.
After the basics you have the more “advanced” options, like doing stuff that happens every transaction:
Burn: A percentage of tokens will be sent to the burn address for each on-chain transfer (max 50%)
Trading Fee: A percentage of tokens will be sent to the creator’s address for each on-chain transfer (max 50%)
Supply Increase: Allows the creator to issue additional tokens after the token creation.
Click the create button and accept the transaction, it incurs some small service fees on each chain:
Ethereum: 0.02 ETH
BSC: 0.05 BNB
Polygon: 1 MATIC
Avalanche: 0.01 AVAX
That’s how easy it is nowadays. No wonder there are nearly 33000 created with just this tool. Of which probably 99.9999% have failed. But it’s interesting how easy it has become
submitted by /u/TheOtherCoolCat
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