Everybody always remembers the bitcoin pizza guy who spent 10,000 btc on two medium sized pizzas but did you know about the millions given away in DOGE?
Dogecoin started in December 13th, 2013 with a price of $0.0007005
December 28th, 2013 user Mikkas gives away 1 million DOGE
$400 at the time of giveaway $690,000 at All time high $72,000 at todays price
December 20th, 2013 – 1.5 million DOGE given away if you joined a new mining pool
$1,050 at the time of giveaway ($0.0007 DOGE) $1,035,000 at all time high $108,000 at current price
January 25th, 2014 – user silenShibe tips over 500k in DOGE
$748 at time of giveaway ($0.001496 DOGE) $345,000 at all time high $36,000 at current price
comment on the post listed above, these tip comments ranged from 10 DOGE to 1,000 DOGE
$1.49 at time of tip $690 at all time high ($690 tip on a comment!!!) $72 at current price
December 28th, 2013 – user WatchTheCorner gives away 500k DOGE to the first 100 people to comment on his post
$294 at time of giveaway ($0.0005882 DOGE) $345,000 at all time high $36,000 at current price
These are only some of the examples I could find, but it seems that people gave away millions in DOGE with tips. Maybe it doesn’t compare to the Bitcoin pizza guy but it’s still a lot of money to be giving away on reddit post & comments.
Kind of gets you thinking if in 10 years we will see these kind of post about moons.
submitted by /u/Odlavso
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