Looking through the top100 cryptos by marketcap, there are 10 coins/tokens that are at least 98% from the All Time High. Which (if any) of these do you think can survive?
Paraphrasing from Animal Farm, everything is down, but some are more down than others. The following coins or tokens are down by 98% or more. In fact, after rounding, some are down by 100%. Assuming it is actually 99.9999 % or something, that is looking like a total loss.
These are just the cryptos still in the top 100. There is a lot more than 10 cryptos down by this much.
Here is the WATCHLIST OF SHAME for 2022.
Internet Computer Filecoin Flow Terra Luna Classic ZCash The Graph Ethereum POW Curve Dao Casper NEM
I created a public watchlist on CMC if anyone wants to go take a look in more depth. Here’s a screenshot for reference.
Top100 Down 98% or more (BTC included for reference)
So this begs the question, which, if any, of the above cryptos stands the most chance of survival?
Looking at this data another way, it could be a list of cryptos that offer the highest return potential. To return to their ATH, these prices have to increase ~5000%. That is an insane gain.
As a truly degenerate gamble, someone could buy all of ten these for $100 each. A $1000 investment. If just one of them returns to its ATH, your return is $5000.
Which one could it be?
submitted by /u/gnarley_quinn
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