For some people it might be finally reaching a magic milestone of owning 1 whole Bitcoin. Others might have set a goal of accumulating 10 ETH.
Even doubling your DCA might be a nice goal to have. Even avoiding hacks or exchange collapses can be a nice goal to have at this point. For me personally, Im trying to get to the 1 whole Bitcoin as I mentioned above. I probably wont get there in the next year, if Bitcoin will not drop below 10k. But I believe 20 years from now it will be much much harder to attain 1 whole Bitcoin and that is what drives me and brings me motivation to obtain it.
This year has not been one of the positive ones, so lets bring some positivity and challenge into the next year, whether it will be red or green one !
So what are your goals and challenges for the next year?
submitted by /u/Ill-Addition2024
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