It seems that Sam Bankman is already violating his bail release terms and conditions.
As per his bail release, he may not transact over $1000 without approval. If he violates the terms, his bond may be forfeited – which means his parents home could be forfeited.
Lets look at what the scammer has been upto:
In 2020, he tweeted his wallet addresses in an effort to seek ownership control over SushiSwap.
Sam casually tweets his address out. ok uh
And just to confirm he completely controlled this address, the then head of SushiSwap – Nomichef tweets that he has transferred control of Sushi to Sam.
Nomi: I’m transferring control to SBFAlameda now.
And what do you know… this wallet was just emptied out, right after Sam got released on bail.
Here is the wallet: (lets label this as “0xd575“)
Around 0.66eth was sent out from here to another wallet, thus emptying this wallet.
And if you follow the trail from here, the funds finally end up on a no-KYC exchange:
Over $50k were swapped in this manner.
This is just in one wallet. One of the other intermediary wallet which received funds from “0xd575” is “0x7386“. This wallet has recieved hundreds of thousand in the last couple of days, all of them eventually cashing out to no-KYC exchange.
Here is that intermediary wallet:
The pattern is similar – the wallet receives funds, and swaps them via no-KYC exchange to launder the funds.
This shows that the wallet that is directly linked to Sam has been cashing out.
These are not transactions made by the Bankruptcy trustee, since any transaction they make has to be signed off by the bankruptcy court first and furthermore, they wouldnt use a no-kyc exchange to hide their trail.
submitted by /u/Set1Less
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