Probably tomorrow at this pace we will hit 6 million community members suscribed to the sub. At out current pace we are adding about 1500 new community members per hour and we are missing 45k, so by January the first we should be 6 million members. That’s a lot of moon farmers!
Jokes aside we are the biggest crypto community in any social media platform, and that’s a lot. Plus we have ~110k active members in the sub each month and there are about 6000 of us conected all the time waiting for news, updates or talking shit about our investments or SBF.
I know a ton of the accounts are banned, left unused, abandoned etc, but we are still 6 million and that’s a lot. We could all give 1250 dollars to FTX and there would still be missing money haha.
But anyways, cheers to the sub and let’s hope for a better crypto year than 2022 (I am not asking for that much right?) I will be waiting for the counter for when we break 6M.
submitted by /u/TeoGuionBajo13
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