submitted by /u/clebux [link] [comments]
Year: 2022
Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Consider all...
Ripple is funding propaganda against Bitcoin by teaming up with the government to spread energy FUD
2 min read
Ripple labs has been funding “research” along with government entities to spread propaganda against Bitcoin and mining....
Why we need decentralisation: my YouTube account got permanently demonetised for no apparent reason
3 min read
I’m a crypto YouTuber, and content writer, but before you start throwing rocks at me and call...
This is a very common theme in my country India where most prominent banks have prohibited (in...
submitted by /u/KAX1107 [link] [comments]
The salty, highly upvoted post mocking dogecoin being accepted at Tesla for some items – the sixth...
This is especially for new people, but really anyone can. If you are looking to get your...
As everyone knows, Harmony One went down yesterday due to multiple block propagation issues. The network was...
The salty post about dogecoin being accepted at Tesla for some items – the sixth largest company...