We have just reached the 12-year anniversary of one of the most legendary Bitcoin investment tweets, that will surely make it into the history of Crypto. And just like many other statements from as back as 2011, this one is too filled with a lot of hindsight and regret for many today.
On the 17th May 2011, Greg Schön had tweeted about his own regret of buying 1.7k BTC at $0.06, but also selling it at $0.30 price instead of the $8 BTC price we had on 17th May. He still sold at a solid 5x, but from todays perspective obviously missed out on a lot.
Famous tweet by Greg Schön on 17th May 2011
But I am not a person to judge people for such trades and would instead say that having hindsight over this is just stupid, as firstly you are already very happy to even be able to know about Bitcoin that early. Secondly, anyone saying that it would be generational-wealth if you just hold through the early years of Bitcoin and would now sell, they should remember that 99.9% of people would have sold at a simple 10x and never waited for the potential 1000x even.
Greg Schön on hindsight about his trades
And Greg Schön seems to be of the same opinion, here he says how even after not selling at $0.30 he would have sold at milestones such as $100 instead of waiting for the thousands. That is just realistic and let‘s be honest here that almost everyone of us would have done the same. So, nothing else than respect for Greg Schön for identifying an opportunity as Bitcoin so early on.
submitted by /u/partymsl
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