With Crypto clocking in nearly a 1.5 decades of history now and having multiple bear market and bull markets, the big questions for mass adoption all around the world still remains the same, what is the real-world utility of Crypto? With that I would mean how Crypto is able to help the most ordinary and not tech-savvy people in this world, on a everyday basis.
All of those smart contracts and Dapps are nice and all, but they do not give Crypto any utility for the normal people out there, but just for use here they seem interesting. For everyone out there Crypto may be a lot simpler and thus they could either be ready to see it as an investment asset or even an actual currency.
The latter would give Crypto the most utility actually, people just knowing how to make transactions with Crypto would open their eyes to the amazing advantages of a decentralized digital currency, which are simply its fast and low-fee transfers.
Many here seem to think that this is nothing special as nearly every Crypto and even shitcoins have that, but for the people that do not know Crypto, something that can be transferred cross-boarder, in a matter of minutes and even seconds and with nearly non-existent fees, is something otherworldly.
I can speak fro the experience of my own family how we usually went to Western Union to transfer money to our home country and they always took absurd fees, while they could do it in hours, which to my family always seem something alien. As in comparison to banks, that could take days for transfers, Western union just takes hours. But now imagine we introduce crypto to them, we would further go down to even just seconds to transfer from one end of the world to the other.
Crypto adoption will happen if we keep it simple, telling people about the new cool smart contracts won‘t change anything but if we tell them about how you can transfer worldwide in seconds and low-fees, they will be interested.
submitted by /u/partymsl
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