We always thought people making shitcoins using copyrighted content would never face consequences, but here it has arrived. Nyan cat coin is a scam pump and dump token using prguitarmans trademark without permission and has just receive a cease and desist letter on chain! Wow. I have attached the nft the meme deployers were sent here.
This is good news as it might scare off scammers from using trademarked photos or content into a scam coin they create that will lure idiots to lose more money. Both token deployers funded their wallets via cex too so maybe it is possible that they will be sued in person too rather than just on chain alone? I’m not a lawyer so if any of you are please share your insights below!
Reference: https://twitter.com/zachxbt/status/1659078481228058624?t=jS7AWD4BFmdq8XglQK7hYQ&s=19
submitted by /u/torpidtrotter
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