In yet another reason not to trust social media, and not to trust the word of influencers, we see an example of sh*tcoin promoters altering photos of transactions that are supposed to “prove” validity of a token(or something).
Here we see another promotion of a sh*tcoin that is highly likely to be a future rugpull. The screenshot “shows” that the transaction was sponsored by the PEPE Deployer. This is supposed to give legitimacy to the project…since it’s done by the same devs who did PEPE and that this project can give similar returns and so is trustworthy(or something like that I can only imagine).
But then we come if we use the transaction hash and view the transaction for ourselves, we come to this page.
We can clearly see the transaction has NO sponsor and has absolutely nothing to do with PEPE. Unfortunately this project dev has reportedly made around 10ETH according to ZachXBT(credit)
Once again. Don’t trust influencers. DYOR.
submitted by /u/OneThatNoseOne
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