Of course it’s not a bragging topic. It’s sad and I’m just amazed how some can deal with that and holding despite such huge loss. If you’re one of those, I think you’re strong and I trust you will get rewarded for that.
Maybe it’s an attitude: “I’ve lost so much I might as well keep holding.”? When looking at crypto just as investment, it’s cyclical and moving rather slow.
Sample data: July 2014 at 600. October 2016 still similar.
Mar 2018 about 7000, two years later still similar.
It was volatile in between but what’s quite shocking to me is that, despite being quickly growing technology, two timestamps so far from each other can still look the same.
To be honest I don’t know if checking historical chart is encouraging, given how quickly it can jump or discouraging given how long it can be stagnant.
It makes no sense to even enter crypto if you’re not going to hold for a few years. If you want more stable investment, maybe you should choose other options. The idea is that for a long time crypto might not move and then jump a lot. We are holding because of that.
submitted by /u/jsveyfjc
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