Here is the EU website that outlines the procedure
In France, there are no court fees in civil courts
So if you live in an EU country and Ledger do not resolve your claim for a refund then this procedure could be an option to you. As yet Ledger have not responded to my request for a refund. If they do not respond (which I’m guessing might be the case but time will tell) then there is an option to use this procedure to claim a refund.
It is an online form based procedure where both parties submit their evidence and a judgement is made.
This excellent post by u/ASF_28 contains the evidence you will need including the EU Directive that prohibits Ledger’s misleading advertisement & misleading comparative advertisement practices.
Now I have no experience of using this system but it looks very simple and similar to a national system that I have used successfully in the past.
submitted by /u/JustALittleBetter
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