Sometime this month I’m saying goodbye to my near 3 ETH that I’ve worked so hard to accumulate since 2021. We recently found a slab leak in our home and for anyone who knows these leaks ain’t no joke. I(26) still live with my mom but I do pay a nice amount in rent and other bills as well. I make roughly 7-800 a week at work. My crypto is my way of saving to buy my own home later on in life. How’d I get in this spot? Throughout my highschool years my father would drink heavily and was always delusional, saying my mom was cheating and all this other shit, it got to the point where I couldn’t focus in class and my grades slowly declined, my father kept saying he’s going to sell our house and I never did believe it till he did. This happened at the end of my highschool year so we had to stay with my moms friend for the one year of college I went through but I still couldn’t focus. Since then I’ve been doing jobs here and there and ended up at the one I’m at which helped me save what I can. I love it, I work out a lot and I’m never stressed. But recently with this slab leak, the plumber found a way around the insurance policy that would not cover it and told us what to tell the insurance so that we can get the entire flooring and cabinets cost covered and we’d only pay the out of pocket which is $2500. But that’s just for the insurance, we’d still have to pay another 3000 for the leak repair. My mother is an amazing woman and hardly gets the chance to relax she’s always working hardly spoils her self, our house is beautiful two story, but I know I have to make right by her and sell my ETH to cover the cost cause there’s no reason for to stress. I’m still young and she’s getting older. She deserves better especially after leaving my father, she deserves to have a nice home. And I know I’ll one day get those ETH back. But for now, it’s goodbye to them. Thank you for reading yall.
submitted by /u/Secret_Fox_5192
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