The older I get, the more the bank’s way of working bothers me.
Unfortunately, I believe that the system is designed in such a way that I simply cannot function without a bank. When I was employed, I had to choose the bank where my salaries would be deposited, although I asked to receive my salary in cash, that was not possible.
I had to give the bank all my information, even some family information, information about monthly/yearly earnings, etc. Okay, it’s not scary.
Then I received a gift from my father in the form of cash, and I had to put it in the bank so that I could make a purchase. Well, then I had to bring my father who had to bring proof of his earnings and proof that he had withdrawn money from his account.
It bothered me, because this is the procedure that all banks do, and I don’t see that this procedure works and prevents criminals from laundering their money. I just don’t see it work. They always find another way to do it.
My own experience + what I am reading on this sub makes me wonder, are we ever going to be trully independent with our own money, or is that only what a lucky will accomplish?
– Bank + crypto
Fortunately, having a crypto as an alternative really suits me. Despite banks way of work I am using best what they can afford + having my own crypto wallets, accounts, assets.
Even if they are trying to block most of the people from owning crypto, people are still buying it, owning it and in that way people are sending a message – we want crypto in our lives.
Doing so, it will force banks to start implementing crypto in their business, following the flow of money, and we already have some crypto friendly banks…
TLDR:-I don’t believe that banks will ever die out or fully replace crypto. I think they will have to work together because people will force them to do so.-Big governments with big corpoorations will not allow replacing of banks.-I dislike the way banks are working, but I am forced to use them.-Having crypto as an alternative is a privilege everyone should take. In a way it feels scary not to own some BTC nowadays.
– banks won’t die out, people may use them less, but banks will always be here.
People shouldn’t even want banks to die out because if that happens, then something really wrong is going on with world economy and we are all in a big crisis then.
So basically, use banks if you have to, banks will always be around. Buy crypto, hold it, use it, trade it because crypto will be a big part of our future.
Banks and crypto will have to coexist. Crypto will not replace banks fully.
submitted by /u/middlemangv
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