I am always generally curious as to what both sides are thinking, and what better way is there to understand it than by discussing it with everyone involved?
I don’t pretend to understand anything about the markets, because to me they just go up and they go down, no rhyme or reason for both traditional markets and the cryptocurrency market these days, because to me, it just seems that things don’t make sense at all.
In the United States and most other countries, things have been going on to help save the world economies by combating inflation and out of control spending, and this was the question I asked in response to folks thinking we are getting out of this pickle in another post:
So, raising interest rates at a super slow pace for a little over a year to 5% was the only magic trick we needed to fix 15 years of essentially 0% interest rates, extremely out of control spending, and quantitative easing experiments?
What say you to that question and are you a bull or bear going forward into the second half of 2023? What are your predictions, your plays, and do you think the question I asked is legit, or do you believe what the powers that be are doing is actually going to save the economy in the next 6 months?
Gold awards will be awarded to the most up-voted bull and bear comments in this post tomorrow morning. I really do appreciate whatever feedback you bring to this discussion, and thanks in advance for your participation my fellow investors.
submitted by /u/Ryanopoly
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