For a lot of people earning money and especially keeping wealth against inflation is very difficult. Many work hard and barely can save some money because of living cost. The few money left to save gets eaten away by inflation.
Crypto is the biggest chance for us.
I am NOT talking about “life changing super rich making” gains made with gambling into memecoins, but simply investing into the bigger 2 cryptos (maybe some alts, too).
Some might say that stocks or pennystocks were biggest opportunities…if you were early to Amazon, Gamestop and co. you would be rich, but nobody could see the future and it would have been pure luck anyways.
Why crypto is our biggest chance in this century?
It’s a new technology, it brings freedom to the people, it’s decentralized, nobody controls it. People slowly mistrust the current fiat system.
It’s still developing, soon more people will understand Bitcoin.
Until then, let’s not get your time and wealth go to waste and invest in crypto (BTC, ETH, [your alt]). It doesn’t have to be life changing money, preserving wealth, increasing it bit by bit. Sats by sats, stack it.
submitted by /u/derika22
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