I should stop hitting the dead I know, but they continue with their great ideas. Ledger sub is a disaster even greater than news on this sub.
It started when I’ve read their official comment that they can’t assure there won’t be forced updates in the future. However the speed it became reality is astonishing even for them. I tried finding the comment saying that but it was downvoted a lot, so it’s difficult to find. In a different topic there was a user saying he couldn’t charge the device without updating it. If there was no evidence that they’re so dumb I would start thinking the gov infiltrated them.
They’re still advertising their wallet as self custodial. LOL.
I give the links according to the rules of this sub.
Another comment from their sub (from a normal user):
“What you might find is that when you actually do want to access your funds and therefore your ledger, you will need to update it to do so. You also run the risk of your ledger becoming obsolete if you don’t update it regularly.”
And if you want read a long text with con against them here is what I made some time ago:
We won’t forget they lied that the seed can’t leave the device. If you have anything to add, make comment.
submitted by /u/jsveyfjc
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