Read my points below to know why I think this.
Everything seems to have some sort of “golden age” in its lifetime where there are a lot of good things to be had about them.
While crypto’s golden age might be considered done with by many, back when it was still in the earlier days and made people a lot of money, I on the other hand still think we’re in it.
Cryptocurrency tech is here to stay, probably forever, and because of that any “golden age” will take a long time as well, and I think we’re right now unknowingly still in it. Many years later, we might be looking back to today in nostalgia to these good times.
And here is why I think this:
we’re still quite early, and we will stay that way until crypto is adopted by over 50% of the population, just like with FIAT. It still has a sense of community, when it becomes widespread that probably won’t be the case. (there isn’t a community for IRL money, not that I know of) We can still “earn” crypto, say moons, and other community distributed rewards. With FIAT, earning money for stuff like this is probably non-existent, and it will probably be the same for crypto when mass adopted. The tech is still lackluster in terms of User Interface and ease of use, something that will change when profit needs to be made from as many people as possible. A lot of people and the media are still in the doubtful or even hateful phase towards crypto, a phase that happens to most new tech. (or new stuff in general) In the future there will be a switch up, and crypto will become accepted, as probably the media will be paid by it.
What do you think? do you have any more reasons yourself if you agree with me, or do you think otherwise?
submitted by /u/thespygorillas
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