All wallets have a seed phrase, with some randomly generated words. Would it be possible for someone to type in one or some of their word’s incorrectly or shuffle them and then they accidentally open someone else’s wallet?
Also, would there be a limit to how many times you can try wrong seed phrases in a row? What if, in the same way passwords were brute forced, a seed phrase is brute forced? Someone makes a program that generates random seed phrases and input them until one eventually opens up a wallet.
Now, I don’t know what would the chances be for someone to open a wallet with actual value in it, or how many approximate amounts of tries it needs to happen.
Is there extra security measures wallets are having now? Like alerting your email when someone opens up your seed phrase on another device, or maybe a password as well as the seed phrase, with 2-factor authentication.
submitted by /u/thespygorillas
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