People that blame crypto for anything are no different than people that blame cars for car accidents, guns for wars, food for obesity and internet and videogames for violence and seeking validations on social media. All those things just like crypto are tools. It is humans that pull the trigger, drive drunk or scam someone in crypto space. Most people do not buy shitcoins, lose money due to stupid mistakes, fall for scams or scam others cause they are stupid or evil, they have no choice, they are desperat, economy is fucked up, wages too low to survive, world is basically failing. And crypto is just top of the iceverg of issues. Even if people wouldn’t gamble away their lifesavings in crypto or didn’t scam they would find other place to do simmilar things, they would do crimes irl or rob some shop, cause they are desperate and hopeless. Whole system is the issue, majority of people are miserable and unhappy, maybe 10 or 20% have ok lives and only 1% or less are trully free amd can truly decide about their own lives.
Crypto ain’t bad, crypto is just a mirror of our society and current economic, political and psychological issues our world have. People think regulation or punishing scammers or influences will change things, but those ain’t crypto problems, problem is those people want or have to do it at the first place. Crypto do not cause crimes, tax evasion, scams, following influencers, rugpulls or technological mistakes. Crypto is just showing insecurity and jealousy of average person, lack of proper financial and tech education, low wages, political and economic shitshow, inflation, lack of perspectives etc. Cure the cause not the results.
If anything crypto can solve most of those problems if you use it is correctly, cause it is a tool and only you, me or others decide how we will use it. If anything blame the system, sometimes terrible people but not crypto or crypto community as a whole. Most of people or whole crypto tech is not at fault. Just a result of “…the world we live in” as popular song says. If anyone think you can just regulate thing enough and force anyone to be nice in crypto and think it solve they are either totally naive or manipulative.
submitted by /u/Nuewim
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