Another day and another anniversary of a media channel and outlet that once called Bitcoin a fad and got just proven as wrong as possibly. This time it is the New York Times, yes, the same media network that had in 1903 predicted that it would take over 10 million years for airplanes to develop. Very reliable source as we can see…
The infamous NYT Ariplanes prediction
In 2011, the New York times was at it again after releasing an article reflecting on the „“Virtual Cash“ status of and predicting that Bitcoin has just been a bubble and will probably die out very soon, all of that while BTC has been swinging around the market cap of $100M and a price of just $9 in 2011.
NYT article about Bitcoin in 2011, calling it a bubble
This just happens to show once again, how those media outlets are just entirely delusive. The recently-ending HBO show Succession does. a very good job of showing what may be going on inside of those big media conglomerations. It is a ton of non-sense and people fighting for power and money, giving any kind of true news for their citizens is just completely secondary if at all for those firms.
It is the same here, in some way they want money from clicks, but obviously they also have their own agenda of what is good and not, they know that at the end of the day the society is about the opinion of people and they are the ones to shape them sadly in todays world.
submitted by /u/partymsl
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