The general sentiment on this sub and generally on the whole Crypto space seems to be getting more sluggish right now, which was kind of poised to happen after we had several weeks of nearly no price action or just bad price action. Over the past roughly two months we have closed up to -20% lower at sub-$26k from a peak of nearly $31k.
BTC price change over past weeks
But that should not distract us form the bigger picture, that happening is usually the most common error for the majority of traders and investors. Once we zoom out, we finally see that over the whole year we are actually still up over 60%.
This kind of a chart would have been an absolute dream during the end of last year. Back then, after one hell of a year with a -70% price drawdown, everyone was way too bearish and just hoping that we won‘t go lower in 2023 with some projections here being on the 30% mark, but even those were seen as way too optimistic by many here.
BTC price change over the whole year so far
This post should just be a reminder, to not always focus on the bad things happening in the present, but occasionally also look back at how much you have achieved to be here today. That works for life and also for Crypto.
submitted by /u/partymsl
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