We all know CEXs don’t give you your keys so you don’t actually own your crypto. But that’s not the worst part.
Some of them seem to have terms and conditions that borderline robs you of that crypto that you “own” as well.
Terms and conditions like revoking your access to your crypto after inactivity for some time, or if you break any of their ToS, which might result in getting you locked out of your money.
and that completely ignoring the fact that they might shut down and take all your assets down with them at any point. (which has already happened)
This is obviously for profits, they can rely on a couple of wallets getting abandoned, or breaking the rules, for a steady stream of potential big revenue. Which also comes after their already guaranteed stream of profit coming from fees and whatnot.
But at this point I see this as outright immoral, and greedy. Non-custodial wallets, where you actually own your keys (be it a hot or cold wallet) are also successful companies without the need to own and hold on to your crypto.
Non-custodial wallets most of the time instead rely on a more honorable source of income, which is an OPTIONAL but convenient way to buy and swap crypto right from their app. with a slightly higher fee that gets them their profits.
Again this is optional and you can still use other exchanges, like CEXs, TEMPORARILY for buying and swapping, to then transfer it back to your non-custody wallet.
At this point, I feel like people will only learn when CEXs start adding some outrages limitations, like limiting the amount you can withdraw per month. (which will probably happen, I speculate)
submitted by /u/thespygorillas
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