I’ve been really thinking about this Ledger/recovery option/hot wallet/cold wallet debacle all day. In the end, I am REALLY PISSED I have to be thinking about this. I bought my Ledger because it was supposed to be the coldest of the cold when it came to a wallet. Now I have to DYOR on something I researched years ago all over again. >:( My goodness, do I really have to migrate to a Trezor now? Who’s to say they will not do the same thing? What was wrong with the original formula, Ledger? You just wanted more money? Really? Was it all worth it? I’m begrudgingly jumping ship as soon as I find a COLDER option. I’m sure there are thousands of us. I just checked and you are still offering me the 2.2.1 option. Hard PASS! I recommended Ledger to a few people, and feel like shit about it. Joke’s on me, I guess.
submitted by /u/Zub_76
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