We wanted crypto to be a free market and decentralized without the control and oversight of any external party. That has long been the ethos of crypto. This is why over the past years, any user who argued in favor of regulation was downvoted to oblivion.
A free market is exactly what we got over the past 13 years.
Crypto has tons of shitcoins. Doggy coins. Frog coins. Cat coins. Queen Elizabeth coins. Most cryptocurrencies are scams and solely aim to milk “investors” for money. Many have terrible tokenomics and some even cannot be sold. Many get rugged. There’s loads of wash trading. Binance, for instance… A ton of exchanges have died. For instance, FTX was valued at more than $30 billion and the fraud was so bad that its most common comparison is Enron. We have a ton of assholes doing paid shills all over social media who dont get punished. Even celebs do this and only start getting punshed now. There’s loads of insider training, including exchanges that literally trade against their own users with cheatcodes enabled (hi SBF). Rich people are manipulating the shit out of their market, with Elon Musk being a prime example.
And let’s face it, all of this is no surprise. A lot of people are extremely greedy and selfish and will be the villain when given the opportunity. That is what we signed up for. Its inherent to a free market.
We cannot complain about all the scams, insider training, manipulation, fraud, wash trading, and social media shillers now.
submitted by /u/Beyonderr
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