The SEC is suing a bunch of CEXs and declaring lots of coins to be securities. Bad for prices in the short term, but my investments are long term investments. I did what we were supposed to do and I only invested money I could afford to lose. The tech hasn’t changed. Now to be fair, just because the tech is great, this doesn’t ensure financial success for any of us.
My plan is this: HODL my coins. If prices continue to go down, I will buy more.I will be very selective what I buy, but I still like BTC and ETH and the few other coins I am most invested in. I will not be buying some of my longer shots right now. I’d rather put the money into the coins I believe the most in.
I think it is very important during this time that we all remember don’t invest more than you can afford to lose. And let’s also remember that investments go up and down. Panic selling and FOMO buying are not good investment strategies.
What is your plan for now?
submitted by /u/Invest07723
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