I find it crazy that somebody would make something like this and there’s zero traction. 1 ETH is life changing for a lot of people.
I just spent 45 minutes going through the various decision trees, but I suck at these kind of treasure hunt puzzles.
She’s clearly sunk time into making it, it’s not a scam, there’s no sign up or payment or wallet connecting or anything like that, and she is a pretty popular Sydney based artist
The password to the game is dao and it’s on the little ‘don’t click this’ section. I believe the save Kari bit is probably for if you get further into the game than I have.
*edit* I understand concerns about malicious websites. As I’ve replied to a few people, the don’t click links advice is best practice due to phishing, but it’s not really that important if you’re conscious of the fact you’re clicking a link.
Unless you approve an install, allow notifications, provide a wallet contract approval or enter any kind of sensitive information then modern browsers aren’t at risk from just clicking something. The one thing that you should be worried about regardless is tracking cookies, since they can use these to re-target you elsewhere with social engineering or phishing scams. I think this game probably does need javascript to run, but you could use no-cookie or incognito mode and it should still play. The artists name is Kari Lilt, so you could go to the site directly via her Instagram or something instead.
submitted by /u/chance_waters
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