As Father’s day comes up, am coming to the maturing realization that barring a completely idiotic bet into a coin that goes 1000 or 10000x I probably won’t become a crypto millionaire. With the modern day expenses of raising a family I just don’t have the capital to be able to put enough into any but the best, most established coins. I consider them the best because there is smaller probability than most they could fail, but also a smaller opportunity to go parabolic. And I can’t justify throwing away capital chasing degen coins that have a better chance of going to 0 than 1000x
Instead, now I am just DCAing into top coins because that’s really all I can do atm. Even with market fluctuations that’s really.not going to move too much, best case scenario if what I am able to put in grows I should be able to pay off my house in full in a few years and maybe start a college fund for my boys (in crypto, of course). While this would be great, it would not be the Lamborghini lifestyle I know a lot of ppl got into crypto to chase. However, since I originally got into crypto to take care of, looking down at my boys sleeping I realize that can be OK with me
submitted by /u/A_Stones_throw
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