Hunderds of people gathered in Argentina and created the biggest human Bitcoin simbol in the world.
They were using orange umbrellas and the symbol was 40 meters tall.
The organizer said that the event was focused on the whole world. They also pointed out that the Bitcoin logo formation is representing a Bitcoin role as a protecition against inflation and the global financial crisis.
FYI: The monthly inflation rate in Argentina increased by 7.8% in May of 2023. ICIS, the global source of Independent Commodity Intelligence Services is expecting annual rate of inflation in Argentina to average 147% in 2023.
If that is not enough from Argentina, they are soon having upcoming presidential elections, and one of the candidates that is actually leading in the polls is “pro Bitcoin” (don’t want to say Bitcoin maximalist).
He even appeared in the official TV Channel of Buenos Aires “where they hung a model of the Central Bank as if it were a piñata. Then he was blindfolded, and got a stick so he could smash it to pieces.”
Here is a nitter link for that aswell
submitted by /u/middlemangv
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