A scammer is a nice word for someone who uses modern technology and exploits human behaviour, persons emotions, problems and financial situation just to steal money.
There is even a name when someone on the internet acts like they love you in order to steal your money – it is called Romance scam.
Most of them don’t care what problems do you have, they are ready to talk with you for days, even weeks or months, to listen to you in order to gain your trust, use you, listen to your problems and wait for the moment when they will be able to extract money from you, your kids, your family etc.
Influencers that use trust and popularity amongst their audience in order to steal money from them are not influencers, but criminals and they should be treated as such.
So they should be called as they deserve – criminals and thiefs. The only difference is that they are not robing you with a gun in your home, but they are using your trust and modern technology like computers, internet, blockchain, crypto, softwares, social engineering etc.
One of the most popular ways in which scammers steal huge ammount of crypto are basically social engineering attacks. And the worst part about it is that they are hacking the victim.
No wallet technology on this world is capable of protecting someone who doesn’t use common sense.
– phishing attacks
– social engineering
– identity theft & impersonating someone else
– fake airdrops and giveaway scams
– faking legit websites with QR codes
Spotting those scams is super easy and doesn’t need any new technology. Just avoiding them is more then enough:
– anything that seems to good to be true most of the time is too good to be true. Nobody gets rich easily.
– nobody can promise you guaranteed returns. If that was possible, that person wouldn’t need you and would earn money on their own
– no stranger wants to help you to get rich.
– check the account history.
I guess most of you who didn’t close DMs see their ways of trying to get to you. They would act nicely, and ask you questions that don’t have to do anything with crypto. Or maybe ask you for your opinion, tell you that they like your post. And after a couple of messages they would suggest you in one way or another a new great way to get rich.
That doesn’t work like that and I am still shocked how many people fall for it.
submitted by /u/middlemangv
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