Sentiments change quickly. Before the bear market hit, everyone was living on cloud 9. Full of glee and straight, unadulterated hopium. Nothing would ever go down. How could it? We are witnessing the greatest bull run of all time.
Then, the collapse happened. It was sudden and it caught everyone off guard. People were still hanging on to their favorite coins, in mass. Then week after week, the bloodbath got worse. -97% down, -92%, -98% down. Most sold off, the true believers held on.
2020 then 2021, 2022, 2023. One bad year after another, one massive bad news after another. Luna, FTX, Voyager, Ledger, Binance, SEC going after all the favorite sub coins.
Things weren’t looking good. Some lost their last bit of hopium. Crypto is never going to be adopted, or at least not for a very long time.
Then out of the blue, we saw big whales enter the scene. BlackRock setting up crpyto ETFs. And now we’re back. In June.
Some people were smart enough to continue DCA’ing. Others were waiting before putting more in. And again, the world is caught by surprise. Could this be another fake out, a bull trap, before the inevitable shake down that’s coming? It very well could be. Could it be the start of a bull run? The economy has starting to look better, inflation slightly decreased, and the obvious elephant in the room is the election cycle has started. Everyone will start to paint a rosier picture because politics. But that won’t change that it will probably improve the general sentiment.
So whatever this is, a possible start of a bull run maybe, one thing has never changed.
No one is ever ready for market sentiment shifts. And they happen swiftly.
submitted by /u/hearsdemons
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