The coin is named Global Currency Reserve (GCR)
it is ranked 97 on coinmarketcap
I dont know what happend with this coin. But It looks like scam?
The top 2 Adresses hold over 99% of this coin.
Address 0xcda0d1d8101df7fcd0fd1a31f7c95e828e2559d6 | BscScan has 52.60% tokens supply !
Address 0x941530c89678304d26efee05b329bf3de70f75fd | BscScan has 46.67% tokens supply !
How can this be a top 100 coin?
If we look in the top trading pair its traded over 2,7 million Volume inthe last 24 hours with the biggest Pair.
so lets take a look to FGC coin. ANd what is happening here
Some people on CMC are writing they cant sell their tokens.
submitted by /u/Ultra918
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