Hi everyone,
Today I wanted to take a bit of time out of my day to talk about a serious topic. We all love crypto that is why we are here.
But, I personally think I spend too much time with it. It is almost like Tourette Syndrome just that I cannot control myself checking charts and prices. I’m not even down money I’m not stressing at all.
The problem I see is the following, I can admit by now, crypto is sometimes a burden to my personal life, and I assume many of you have the same issue, you may see it as an issue or not, but if your screen time on any exchange is more than 6 hours a day just on the phone, that definitely indicates you are at the same point of addiction as me.
Once again this post is not about monetary losses, it’s about the psychological aspect it’s having and taking such a deep cut into my life.
I now drastically reduced screen time on all devices for a while and will take a time out. Highly recommended to anyone that feels a bit burnt out. Crypto will not run away lol.
submitted by /u/theycallmekimpembe
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