Everyone active on the CC sub gets them, Crypto Scammers Blowing up our DM’s. Usually they pretend to be an attractive Asian Woman looking for companionship or wanting to talk about trading strategies. They are always a scam, most commonly a Pig Butchering Scam.
A recent cryptocurrency scam has highlighted a need for fraud awareness. The new scam – called “pig butchering” – includes a sophisticated new twist that combines a romance scam with an investment spin. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the term “pig butchering” refers to a time-tested, heavily scripted, and contact intensive process to fatten up the prey before slaughter. Source
Like most of you I usually just ignore the scammers. But occasionally I’ll respond with the sole purpose of annoying them, by sending “?” until they stop messaging me. Usually the scammer will give up after a few minutes but this scammer ended up sending “?” back.
This “?” back and forth went on for about ten minutes before I decided to hit the scammer with a twist a supposed level advancement, suggesting they were playing some elaborate chat game.
After four minutes of the Level 2 “??” response I decided to mess with the scammer by suggesting a supposed failure and “restart of level 1”.
This pissed off the scammer and they started spamming question marks until they eventually tried to “end the conversation”
At this point they were starting to get angry – and they decided to skip their entire conversation build up to throw out their “hook”.
There is no way for the scammer to end this chat without blocking me, something the scammer isn’t aware of. So I continued to just send, “?” after every message they sent.
Eventually they realized they should just stop messaging me to end the conversation. Unfortunately for them I was already committed to messing with the scammer and decided to make them think they were stuck in a chat with a text bot by sending,
“Level 1 has timed out. Restarting Level 1” every ten minutes
I knew it might be over so I threw out another twist for the scammer
“Are you still there? Type “Y” for Yes. To end the game type, “End”.
It worked! After telling The scammer they couldn’t end the game because they hadn’t advanced to Level 3, they full blown lost it, Rage sending 200+ “F*** you!” messages in about seven minutes.
Due to the sheer amount of messages I decided to further irritate them by suggesting they overloaded the system and “restarted level 1”.
Eventually they stopped responding and the last message I sent them was,
“Thank you for playing. To leave feedback for the developer. Enter a number between 1 and 10.”
submitted by /u/GabeSter
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